About Us - Our Philosophy 

Our Pet Grooming Philosophy

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Welcome to Paws of Enchantment, DC, a holistic pet grooming spa dedicated to the special needs of your pet. Our philosophy is that your pet is an individual... like you.

While we aim to provide top quality grooming and styling services, we also look at the whole dog-- beyond the hair– and stress the importance of building a relationship with your pet in safe and comfortable an environment.

We use aromatherapy in the grooming area, and, with your consent, may occasionally use flower essences (100% safe and natural– not a medicine or tranquilizer) to help allay your pet’s qualms or anxieties about the grooming process. Our natural shampoos are aromatic and hypo-allergenic, unless otherwise specified or required by your veterinarian. We do not use any chemical flea treatments. We use gentle, basic massage techniques while administering our warm baths.

For each new pet signing up for a holistic grooming session, we require a brief interview in which we will gather pertinent information about your pet’s diet, behavior/temperament, medical issues or concerns, and so on. This enables us to create a whole 'picture'of your pet and enables us to better understand any skin/coat, health or behavioral issues that might require a consultation with your veterinarian, a nutritional counselor, or behaviorist.

We emphasize the importance of your providing us a contact number where you can be reached if we have any questions about your pet during his or her grooming. Finally, we encourage your feedback, so that we can serve both you and your four-leggeds to the highest possible standard.