
Talia's Healing Garden

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Dear Friends,

Spring is almost here and it will be a very welcome change from what seemed to be an extra harsh winter, on many levels. I have heard of many losses from clients, friends, and people all over and, as many of you know,I myself have recently sustained the loss, from her physical body, of Paws of Enchantment's beautiful and gentle ''Supermodel'', Talia. For those of you who followed her journey via her Facebook page (Talia's Healing Journey), I cannot thank you enough for your beautiful presence there. The month of February, ''Love Month'', commemorated this sweet Being , and through PAWS, she was able to share rose quartz bath sachets with our human clients, and toys with our dog clients. Also in her honor, rose quartz-- the healing stone of compassionate love-- has been placed at various places around PAWS, including in the bathtub, and our shampoos are now infused with rose quartz elixir. This way all who enter our doors will be ''bathed in the sweet light of love'' which is the essence of this Great One.

Talia was many things for me but also many things for PAWS and, through PAWS, for the world. She and her family were my inspiration for creating Paws of Enchantment, and guide me on its evolution. Talia was, and continues to be, my teacher and dance partner on a journey through the the world of vibrational healing...flower essences, homeopathy, essential oils, Reiki, crystals. She is the reason we have been slowly incorporating a wellness room into PAWS...the room which houses our dental clinics, animal communication sessions, aromatherapy, Reiki, massage and chiropractic clinics. Services which helped Talia greatly in her life on earth and which can benefit others. Talia's message for the world was about putting love and care into everything one does...both consciously and unconsciously. Compassionate and healing love on the level of the soul. It is our great and meaningful honor to carry on in her her Way.

We therefore feel very blessed to re-name the wellness room at PAWS as Talia's Healing Garden, and that all who enter that space, as well as all who enter the grooming spa, may be touched by her light.

Talia's brother, Tammuz, continues to grace the grooming area with his calming presence (He is the big guy that lays in his bed all day).

Thank you all for being a part of our world. We wish you all long life and health.

Cassandra and Talia

**For those who have suffered the loss of a beloved animal friend, you may take comfort in the services offered at the following website:

''May the sweet light of love always bathe your heart'' -Talia

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