Pet Grooming Services - Grooming Services Overview 

An Overview of our Washington DC area Pet Grooming Services

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Whether you chose basic grooming or upgrade to a luxury spa treatment like a mud bath or full-service Reiki treatment, you pet will be treated as a loved and respected friend at Paws of Enchantment. We use top-quality shampoos, conditioners and essential oils.

In addition to our grooming services we also offer Animal Communication and Reiki services. Please see below and under the respective categories.

GROOMING: Our ''basic'' grooming includes:

*One-on-one grooming sessions while you wait nearby

*Bathing and conditioning with products appropriate for your pet's skin and coat type

*Fluff/blow-drying by hand (not in the cage)

*Facial treatment

*Paw massage and nail trim

*Styling/haircut of your choice

*potty break if left over four hours


<*Reiki and crystal energy work

*Aromatherapy/essential oil treatments

*Reiki grooming for anxious, non-aggressive, pets

Energy healing services include:

Scalar Wave healing
Crystal healing and chakra balancing
Essential oil application (aromatherapy) such as 'Raindrop'

Reiki services (stand alone: recommended. $75/up to half hour (animal dictates how much energy s/he needs). This can be done in person or from distance.

Premium grooming spa package with Reiki:

Reiki/Essential oil treatments are available at an additional:
$80: Reiki: half hour/maintenance
$90: Raindrop aromatherapy treatment with Reiki

In case of grooming/Reiki packages, grooming will take place either before or after the energy session, as dictated by the needs of the pet. Reiki will be offered on a continual flow basis as described in my article, Reiki at the Dog Spa. rooming/Reiki is best for dogs who are nervous coming to the salon. Stand alone Reiki sessions (in person or distance) are recommended for pets experiencing health challenges.

We may make recommendations concerning further wellness support plans.

Dematting, handstripping, temperament considerations and excessive de-shedding are considered extra costs that will be added onto the basic grooming price.

Pets requiring extra time and handling due to nervousness or lack of grooming experience will be charged an extra fee so that we may give the extra time and care to these pets.


All pricing is based on the individual dog and the amount of time, effort and type of products used and is roughly estimated at $120 per hour for our on on oe grooming.

Note: to avoid ''dematting'' costs it is recommendedto place your dog on a regular grooming schedule of either every 3, 4, or 6 weeks.

Pre-booking in advance will help secure desired day/time of the week and ensure a freshly groomed dog all year round.